Residences & Apartments

Dwellings for wandering spirits that still, at a certain time, may want to come home and find anew the relaxing and entwining atmosphere of a real “home”; dwellings for all those that, even on vacation, look for the comfort of a house and don’t want to give up their habits; dwellings for those that prefer the more intimate and private environment of an apartment or a residence rather than a hotel room…

The Residences and the Apartments of La Gabelletta offer all this.

Select a Residence or Apartment for more information.


Domus Familiae


Meris provides an accommodation of about 140 square meters, and a refined, hospitable, atmosphere.

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With its 170 square meters distributed in articulated zones that face each other, creating a plastic …

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Deco House


Aquarius, or rather the house of natural elements: trees, stone, water. Built on the remains …

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Light is the main character of the Scorpio penthouse. Inspired by the concept of a consistent …

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