

Meris provides an accommodation of about 140 square meters, and a refined, hospitable, atmosphere.
Ample and light, it offers suggestive views, with windows facing east, so as to admire the sunrise, and west, so as to absorb the wondrous sunset amidst the oaks. The area dedicated to the daytime encourages relaxation and leisure, with a pleasant terrace, an open space always full of light, a fireplace and a bookcase with books in various languages, a Hi-fi system and a kitchen complete with accessories. And then there are the bedrooms. The smallest, collected and intimate, brings to mind the 1900’s, with its antique furniture and the romantic tones of the bathroom. The biggest room is instead divided into different zones, and is conceived as a place dedicated exclusively to personal wellbeing, with a reading and make-up space and a bathroom with a whirlpool tub.

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